Sunday, April 12, 2009


Im not sure what past societies have done to overcome population issues,
but a couple ways the United States can control overpopulation in America is maybe raising the price for immigrants to travel back and forth from america to another country. And limiting the people who come from out of the country. Not just middle eastern people, everybody going out of the country or coming in.
Another way to control overpopulation is that governments should promote two child families and advocate for abstinence in young women. If a women has more than two children she would have to pay for each child after the second one.
I would probably do it this way because it would be less women getting pregnated, especially at young ages. it would be more expensive for people traveling, but overpopulation may result in a decrease in America's resources and immigrants coming should pay for using our countries resources, because we won't have them for much longer the way people are treated the enviroment today.

Who do you believe is to blame for the situation and what should the USA policy be in regards to Darfur

I think that the government in Darfur is responsibile for what is going on there, because if they really wanted to, they could find a way to stop what is happening to all the innocent people being mudered, and all the women being raped.
In Rwanda i think the UN officials are to blame, because they were given warnings 3 months before the genocide actually happened between the Hutu's and Tutsi's, And all the warnings they got were ignored.
The United States were one of the countries that said they would not let this happen again after Rwanda and now its happening in Darfur, but once again America doesnt seem to be doing much of anything to help. They could at least send some people to help, even if its only a little bet

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Romeo & Juliet

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Juliet was told she had to marry a man named Paris, a nobleman of Verona. And learn to love him somewhere throughout their marriage.

I think that it is better to fall in love, because when you meet someone and fall in love with them there is already alot of things you like/love about them and alot of reasons you like/love to be with them. And if you already feel that way about somebody and get married, your most likely gonna last.
But if you have to learn to love somebody, then theres probably alot of things you dont like about each other, and maybe dont like being around eachother either but you have to. And you have to learn to like, and love. Rather than be with somebody of your choice.